Yes you read is correct! You can become a programmer without computer. Let’s dive a bit to entail what we mean by that.
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pro·gram·mer/ˈprōˌɡramər/noun: programer – a person who provides solutions to problems through computer programs.

At the center of the above definition, there are two main words to pay attention to: Problem and, of course, Solution
Those are the two things all the computer and/or programs associated with it are going to revolving around. A problem is the domain at which we are constantly looking a to solve.
Problem can be, but not limited to, to be able to order items online, renew driver license, checking for lottery numbers, to get out of boredom through entertainment.. you name it.
A corresponding part from the problem is the subsequent solution. A solution may provide a partial or full ways of handling the problem and hence save time, money and energy. In some cases, it will just add comfort and augment our day to day activities.
See the following and see what problem are solved through these:
- GPS on your mobile phone
- Amazon
- YouTube
Now you got it. We have problem, and programmers will allow us to have those problems resolved through computers fully or partially. So, you may ask, where does the “without computer” part of the title comes into play?
Before programmers rush into creating a solution through computer, that is coding, they have to analyze the problem and understand it well. It is still up to the human being to provide the solution and feed it to computer. We will set aside another discussion of of the artificial intelligence.

What it means in an another words is, to solve the problem say automatic parking machine, the programmer will take time to answer a couple of questions like how do I know when the car approaches? How do I know how long the car has been in garage to calculate the fee? How do I identify daily visitors vs monthly members vs free pass holders? What shall happen if payment machine goes down? How do I know then garage is full to tell for customers that it is full?
Well, you can see these are all valid but very small set of questions to be asked and you can extrapolate this to high and complex solutions out there like for Amazon which have additional parameters like security, handling millions of users at the same time, keeping up with inventory to tell buyers if the item is available or not.. you name it.

Ok, whatever the question we have mentioned along with so many of the question have to be solved first before we sit and start typing. We have to understand the problem well and have appropriate solution first before we start to use any of the fancy programming languages you have heard so far like Java, C#, JavaScript, PHP and thousands more.
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Luckily, we have a way to do that. We have mechanism to dissect the huge problem into smaller one and fix the very small problem and chain them together to get the big solution. Think of a car, it is a complex thing but it can further broken down to windshield, wheel, tire, body, radiator, battery, alternator, muffler and more each solving independent solution.
Gooood. Now we are in a position to set the stage what it takes to be a programmer. The definition and examples might be a lot than what it actually is. We have a much better easier way to understand problem, to see if it works and have it as a solution.
A solution, once we have it, can be manifested using website, desktop applications, mobile application and even a full fledged hardware like vending machines and ATMs.
We will focus on websites for a lot of reason: easy, actually very easy, to pick up, becomes a main stream these days and hence in demand, required the least setup on computer to start playing around it.
That is how we will do it. We will start from the very scratch that you don’t need any prior IT knowledge – if you have beating heart, then you pass the first criteria.
Wait, I am not sure if this thing is for me though?

Well, you don’t know until you tried it. Everyone can do this. The difference is who can do it with full effort and assurance vs “let me try it” spirit. In any way, just like any discipline, this also requires a bit of followup – but, again, anyone can do it.
Saying that, that is why we are providing free class for your and taste it for yourself. If you like it, you will, then you will continue to the next level, if not, we will see what will fit you more and take it from there. So just get involved, take the free class, explore and change your career.
Who shall take this course?
If you answer yes a couple of the following questions, you might want to consider taking the course.
- Want to get into IT as career path.
- Want to change current career and switch to IT.
- Interested in web, mobile and general IT solutions.
- Be a programmer/Software Developer in the coming couple of months.
- Have mentality of Skill first and then Job next.
- Can dedicate up to six hours for the first part and up to 10 hours for the upcoming ones per week for the class.
What is needed for this class?
Primarily what we need is someone who is interested in the IT and wanted to know more about it, specially in the programming side of it.

Then your laptop, you can use windows or mac. This is required as the class is going to be online mainly than using the computer itself.
About 2 and half to 3 hours per session. The session includes lectures and practical exercises where you will be engaged.
Additional 3-6 hours for additional assignments, worksheets and readings that you will be working on.
How is the class conducted?
It is 100% online as to the provision. Classes are guided through lectures and followup assignments and worksheets. Those additional resources keeps you busy and engaged.
When is it starting?
This free and engaging class starts on Thursday October 29 2020 @6PM EST. Please make sure to block your calendar for every Thursday for a couple of upcoming weeks.
How do I register for it?
You can register by clicking here.
Also you can leave your First name, email address and a bit of your background on the lower part of this page – on the comment section – and we will send you the link for joining the class. If you leave us your information and you didn’t hear from us, send us an email through or call us (240) 877-8161
What is included in this 3 – 4 Weeks of primary course?
We will cover:
- Basics of Programming
- Using diagrams to solve problems
- Getting to know HTML – constructing web pages.
- CSS – Styling the pages.
- Introduction (limited) to JavaScript – implementing simple solutions using JavaScript.
The above are basic concepts yet will give us a good grasp of the picture we will be painting as programmer going forward.
We are excited to bring this to our community. As we all know good things might not last that long. Hop on and register leave us your information along with a bit of your background. We will drive the rest of the journey – you have done great that far!
It goes without saying, but to cement it, we have only limited seats and please make sure to reserve them only if you are interested to proceed.
See You.