Hello! We are super excited to share information on the new class that will be starting on the coming August 23 2021. The question is – Are you ready to change your career and become IT professional?
Full Stack Developer – from $199 –
What is that? Full stack [Web | Mobile] Developer is the current cutting edge and in demand career. It involves a couple of discipline. It allows one to be, as a name implies, an all rounded developer who can code from start to finish.
What courses are included? – Web development, we will explain more on this in a bit, Amazon Web Services, Database development and Testing.
How are jobs related to this field? – This is by far the most in demand IT field in all aspects. It is like a single person can perform a task of creating a solution almost single handed. When you become a full stack developer, you will have a general and all-rounded knowledge of what is going on the IT industry.
When is the class starting? – The class starts at August 23 – 2021. More information regarding orientation, daily schedules and more will be communicated.
Where to register – You can register @ register.thepracticalit.com
Web Development
This is one segment of the course. This allows you to develop the website from the ground up. Just for the basic understanding, the website is where one will be interacting with consume or to provide data. There is another part, called server/backend, which is responsible for most of the task like logging, producing report, handling payments and more.
As an example, when you are logging to Gmail to read your emails, what you see on your browser is mostly the “web” or client part. Where as, the actual emails your friend sent you are read and provided by the server. For the web development part, we focus more on the creation of the web site itself.
Components of the Web Development:
- HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language.
- CSS – Cascading Style Sheet
- JavaScript
This is provided in two sessions – The first is where HTML and CSS are included and the next is with JavaScript.
Amazon Web Services – AWS
Web applications, for that matter any application, needs to be accessible for the users through the internet. When you are working on the application/solution, it is on your computer and it is only you who can access it.
So one way to make your solution accessible for everyone is to use AWS. It has to be noted that AWS is huge by itself. There are tones and tones of services in there. We selected those services that are relevant to the web developer and the most common ones used in the industry.
Database Development
Data is a king and it is everywhere. Your GPS will take you from A to B using stored data. Facebook is full of data about you, your friends and more. You name it, most of the things you get on the internet and solutions are from database.
This course will be talking about how we will be storing, manipulating, securing and transforming data using the database management system.
Quality Assurance / Testing
Websites, mobile applications and any software is at the end of the day product. If it is a product, then it has to be tested and it’s quality has to be assured. This course of testing is all about on how we will be doing the testing to make sure the quality of the software is maintained.
Testing is not only to see if something fails or not. It will be very crucial in making sure whatever is working keeps working by running it again and again. In the earlier days Testing used to be done manually.
But not any more. You need a programming concept and convert that into testing using frameworks that facilitate this task. At least a bit of testing knowledge is needed for the full stack developer to be competent and to stay relevant to the industry.
Course Offerings.
All phases are supported by the lecture videos, exercises and assignments. Students will be going over videos and then take the lecture on the live sessions.
Phase I
- Basics of computer – how does computer work, networks, parts of computer.
- HTML(5) – HyperText Markup Language.
- CSS – Cascading Style Sheets.
- Bootstrap – The CSS Framework.
- Using commercial and open source themes/templates.
- Designing rules.
- 508 compliance and tools – Making the website for every one.
- Basics of programming.
- Understanding and working with Git/GitHub.
This session runs for 4 (four) weeks including summary, project and evaluation.
Lecture video included.
Live Session: 9 (Nine) Hours/Week. Three days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6PM to 9PM Easter Standard Time.
Price: $199 was $649
*Special discount going for the month of August only.
Payment options – One time payment of $199
Phase II
- Concepts of Programming.
- Control and Loop statements.
- Arrays Functions and Objects.
- Classes.
- DOM.
- ES6 – The newer version of JavaScript.
- Randomizers, Timers, Date
- Advanced concepts in JavaScript.
- Testing and Debugging in JavaScript.
- Introduction to Algorithms.
This session runs for 4 (four) Weeks Plus 2(two) weeks of summary, project and evaluation.
Lecture video included.
Live Session: Three days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6PM to 9PM Easter Standard Time.
Price: $499 was $699
Payment options – One time payment with $49 off ($450), or two time payment with $299 first and $200 on the second payment.
Phase III
- Introduction to React.
- React in depth.
- Introduction Node JS.
- Node JS in depth.
- Database Development with Mongo
- Communicating with Server.
- Deploying application.
- Testing application using frameworks.
- Tools that every full stack developer must know.
- Basics of Project Management with agile methodology.
This session runs for 8 (eight) Weeks Plus 2(two) weeks of summary, project and evaluation.
Lecture video included.
Live Session: 9(nine) hours/Week. Three days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6PM to 9PM Easter Standard Time.
Price: $599 was $649
Payment options – One time payment with $49 off ($550), or two time payment with $350 first and $249 on the second payment.
Phase IV
- Mega Project – Real scenario application development with all industry tools.
- AWS – Amazon Web Services.
- Agile development.
- Utilizing Scrum in Action.
- Project management tools.
- Collaboration with team on real world application.
This phase runs for 4 (four) Weeks Plus 1(One) weeks of evaluation.
This is all practical class including the AWS. But the live sessions are recorded.
Live Session: 9(nine) hours/week. Three days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6PM to 9PM Easter Standard Time.
Price: $599 was $699
Payment options – One time payment with $99 off ($500), or two time payment with $300 first and $199 on the second payment.
Optional Course – Database Development with SQL Server
- Working with SQL Server – installing, customizing and more
- Securing database.
- Working with Stored Procedures.
- Working with functions and more.
- Optimizing Database Queries.
- Advanced concepts.
This phase runs for 16 (sixteen) Weeks Plus 3(three) weeks of summary, project and evaluation.
Lecture videos included.
Live Session: Once per week – Friday from 6PM to 9PM Easter Standard Time.
Price $449 was $699 – optional course.
Payment options – One time payment with of $449.
Start your journey of Full Stack Developer – Click here
*All live sessions are recorded and videos will be available for further review.
*The times and courses listed here can be adjusted as needed.
*There is further discount a whole one time payment.